Shortcat calls home to Google Analytics.
It's great that at this time Shortcat is free. I like its concept and I don't mind beta testing. I understand the importance of making a living from software design.
However, NOT asking a user whether or not they wish to participate in surveillance by Google is NOT acceptable. If my privacy is going to be compromised, then ASK ME PERMISSION FIRST, DAMMIT.
I found out about Shortcat calling out to Google Analytics via Little Snitch, my 'reverse firewall'. I denied its access forever. If you have a reverse firewall running, I'd suggest you consider doing the same. My work on my computer is not available for Google surveillance without my permission, ever.
Many other current application developers pull this same trick on their users. This is not the first time I've caught apps calling out to Google Analytics. Another recent app I acquired does the same thing, that being Bartender, an app I PAID FOR. Paying for an app AND being surveilled is two strikes against the developer.
Be wary of what your apps are doing in the background. Your computer behavior might be FOR SALE without your permission. This is typical disrespectful marketing-moron behavior. Not good. Never acceptable.
I hope the Shortcat developer makes it clear exactly what the cost is for using Shortcat. I'd rather pay for Shortcat than be surveilled by Google. Other developers please take note.