Rhyme Genie is the world's first dynamic rhyming dictionary with 30 different rhyme types and over 327,000 entries including 53,000 titles of charted songs. Instantly find perfect rhymes as easily as entering a word and flex Rhyme Genie's muscle with a powerful intelligent rhyme algorithm. Change from one- syllabic to multi-syllabic rhymes with a single click and see a wealth of near rhymes appear by simply decreasing the similarity in sound. Command a freely scalable dictionary with more than 10 million phonetic references and break through creative bottlenecks with one of the largest collections of American sayings, idioms, popular names, places and trademarked brands. Find suitable rhymes more efficiently with a special Songwriter Dictionary compiled from over 600,000 song lyrics and a convenient wordfilter with over 130,000 parts of speech. Express yourself effortlessly with an integrated 115,000 word Webster's dictionary and an extensive thesaurus with over 2.5 million entries capable of finding syllable matching synonyms.
Updated on Jan 28 2020
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