I read this review from a guy called Konstantin Riabitsev. I guess this say's it all. It definitely reflects my own opinion about RBrowser.
Hello, all:
I thought I'd caution you against using RBrowser. It's an application
for Mac OS X which allows easy use of such protocols as FTP, SSH, SFTP,
and others. I've recommended it to one of our faculty members, but it
appears that it is doing very dirty things in attempts to enforce its
There are several licenses you can buy for RBrowser, each costing upward
of $35. If you get a personal license, RBrowser, when run, will send UDP
packets to the broadcast address of your network at the following ports:
This is, apparently, done to make sure that nobody on the network is
running RBrowser using the same license. When another computer receives
these broadcasts, it sends a reply back to the originator and compares
license keys. If they are the same, one of them will quit. To us in
Physics this meant that we saw upward of 500 firewall violation reports
from 150 machines, which significantly increased our syslog traffic. And
that's just from one client -- I can only guess how much traffic 50
clients can generate when they all send udp broadcasts and chat with
each-other comparing license notes.
This behavior CANNOT be turned off. When I contacted the author of
RBrowser about this issue, he recommended getting a "host license"
instead of a "personal license", but this is not acceptable, as a "host
license" is bound to the unique identifier of ONE computer, meaning that
if you ever upgrade your computers, you will have to get a whole new set
of licenses.
It appears that you can't firewall this off on the client end as well --
when I tried placing firewall rules on the faculty's machine to make
sure that these broadcasts are swallowed and not sent to the network
broadcast, RBrowser would exit with a license violation message. Ugh.
Naturally, this was not acceptable to us and I thought I'd caution you
all about doing business with this company -- it seems to me that they
are not concerned about the problems of network administrators and are
solely centered on enforcing their licenses.
An alternative was found quite soon -- MacSFTP is a great replacement
for RBrowser, not to mention that it's $15 cheaper. If you are looking
for a good SFTP client, make sure you use MacSFTP and not RBrowser --
that horrorware is forever banned from Physics, that's for sure. :)
Best regards,
0> Konstantin ("Icon") Riabitsev
/ ) Duke University Physics Sysadmin
~ www.phy.duke.edu/~icon/pubkey.asc