I've been using this for some time now and it's an easy-to-use site builder- very what you see is what you get.
However, there are a few little things that I think downgrade it from five stars: Many operations are sluggish (scrolling is extremely jerky), often clicking an item causes it to move a pixels in one direction or another, selecting and moving an item is very jerky as you move it, making precise positioning hit-or-miss, plus a few other small annoyances.
Having said that, the "property inspector" pane is totally awesome in that it lets you control so many aspects of the object you're working with. For instance, if you want to change the background color (or anything where the color can be changed), you click that option and you get an immense list of colors from which to choose. Add to that the possibility of creating gradients or images for backgrounds and you can see where the possibilities for creativity are nearly endless. There are a fair number of plugins, tools, and extensions in the "toolbox" pane with more extensions available on the developer's site.
I have just enough familiarity with HTML to be dangerous so I've experimented with Flux, Rapidweaver, Website Painter, Sandvox, Freeway, and Dreamweaver, and QnEWB is an extremely attractive package and well worth the investment. The user forum is active, and very friendly and helpful.