ProCSSor is a CSS formatter and compressor, ProCSSor is an essential tool for seasoned professionals and hobbyist Web designers alike.
Let's face it - we've all come across badly written CSS with no style, mixed styles, or even machine generated CSS. Then, there's our own lazy, late-night CSS which makes no sense in the morning. Now with ProCSSor you have no more excuses for confusing and ugly CSS!
ProCSSor formats your CSS in an elegant and readable way. Instead of pouring over an unformated CSS file, let ProCSSor turn it into a readable document. It automatically indents, spaces, and styles your CSS according to your specifications. ProCSSor also compresses your CSS for production and quickly lets you prettify when you're ready to code, so you'll never have to keep separate copies for development and production.
With Droplets, ProCSSor becomes a natural part of your workflow. Simply drop your CSS files on to your custom made droplet and have your files instantly formatted for editing or compressed for production. Droplets work great from the command line too, so you never have to leave your keyboard for beautifully formatted CSS.
As Web designers, we take pride not just in how our website looks but also in creating beautiful code. ProCSSor keeps your code looking great and easy to scan even months later.
An all-in-one app that both beautifies and compresses CSS nearly instantly is definite keeper in my CSS toolbox! Everything from interface to usability to tons of options is just plain awesome! Especially Droplets!