Kobo allows you to purchase and read all of your favourite books directly from your desktop.
You don’t have to wait until you get home to resume your story. The Kobo app syncs all your bookmarks, so you can read between your smartphone, tablet, computer, or Kobo device and pick up right where you last left off.
Instantly access Kobo's bookstore directly from your desktop. Here, you can browse and buy from a selection of over over 4 million of the world's best eBooks, magazines, comics and kids' titles.
Some Readers like to keep their library fully stocked, while others prefer to stick to a few favourites. Whichever you prefer, the Kobo app lets you easily manage your device storage by selecting only the eBooks you want to have on hand.
The Kobo app includes features designed to help you read comfortably, no matter where you are. Getting ready to read in bed? Easily switch from day to night mode. Subway lighting a little dull? Just turn up the brightness. You can even choose from multiple font styles and sizes to help minimize eyestrain.
Updated on May 24 2022
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